WOOD, Matthew: The Earthwise Herbal Repertory – The Definitive Practitioners Guide. Nord Atlantic Book, 2006



Discover the healing applications of a wide variety of medicinal plants with this first comprehensive herbal repertory from an internationally known herbalist

Expert herbalist Matthew Wood takes the guesswork out of the application of medicinal plants. Here, he provides an invaluable cross-reference of constitutional types, energetic categories, and specific systems–so herbalists can more easily identify the right remedies for a specific condition. Unlike many reference books in which medicinal plants are defined simply by condition or disease name, this book offers tools for differentiating between remedies and analyzing each case in a holistic fashion. While this system of cross-referencing is well known to homeopaths, it is less frequently used by herbalists.

The Earthwise Herbal Repertory seeks to bridge the gap between different healing systems, incorporating knowledge from ancient Greek and traditional Native American medicine, nineteenth-century botanical medicine, homeopathy, and modern biomedical research. This definitive repertory proves useful for homeopaths and herbalists, professionals and home practitioners alike.

Published: 2006
Publisher:Nord Atlantic Book
Pages : 1453
Language: english
Filetype: PDF


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