BLUE LOTUS, spagyric tincture, 10ml


BLUE LOTUS, spagyric tincture. Spagyric tincture of the Blue Lotus contains a harmonized holistic form of the extract, obtained by the original alchemical methods of purification and re-combination of all three plant bodies – essence, spirit and salt.

Energetically, the blue lotus plant can help you go through difficult and painful situations without traumatic and stagnant consequences. In this way, this flower is a powerful helper for anxiety and depression, helping to stir up stagnant emotional energies. It is especially useful for renewal and rebirth in all senses of the word. Its essence brings to us the image of a seed that, in due time, sprouts and rises from the muddy bottom to touch the surface of the water, and in breath of trust opens its heart like a radiant lotus flower.

Ingredients: organic grape spirit, extract from Egyptian blue lotus flowers, mineral tissue salts
Taste: aromatic, bitter
Element: Water, Ether
Planetary signature: Venus, Mercury, Moon
Aging: 8 months
Volume: 10ml


BLUE LOTUS, spagyric tincture. Spagyric tincture of the Blue Lotus contains a harmonized holistic form of the extract, obtained by the original alchemical methods of purification and re-combination of all three plant bodies – essence, spirit and salt.

Energetically, the blue lotus plant can help you go through difficult and painful situations without traumatic and stagnant consequences. In this way, this flower is a powerful helper for anxiety and depression, helping to stir up stagnant emotional energies. It is especially useful for renewal and rebirth in all senses of the word. Its essence brings to us the image of a seed that, in due time, sprouts and rises from the muddy bottom to touch the surface of the water, and in breath of trust opens its heart like a radiant lotus flower.


  • organic alcohol from the grape vine
  • extract from blue lotus flowers (Nymphaea caerulea)
  • mineral tissue salts

Affected organs and tissues

  • heart and blood vessels
  • nervous system
  • sleep and dreams
  • relaxation and vitality

Alchemy notes

Taste: aromatic, bitter
Element: Water, Ether
Planetary signature: Venus, Mercury, Moon


  • sedative
  • anti-inflammatory
  • aphrodisiac
  • promoting circulation
  • spasmolytic
  • antidepressants

Expiry and storage:

BLUE LOTUS, spagyric tincture was created in June 2023 and we bottled it for you after 8 months of maturation. With proper storage away from direct sunlight and heat sources, it will continue to ripen and grow stronger together with you 🙂 The difficulty of this production does not allow us to produce it in large quantities yet, so if you grab your bottle in time, it can serve you for another 10 years.

Botany and traditional use

The blue lotus, also known as Nymphaea caerulea (Nymphaeaceae), is native to northeastern, eastern, and southern Africa and some parts of southwest Asia. It has an edible flower, already known by the ancient Egyptians under the name sacred lily of the Nile. Due to its long history of use in Egyptian culture, the blue lotus is associated with spiritual rituals and health benefits. For thousands of years, blue lotus has been considered a ceremonial herb, used ethnobotanically as a religious offering and believed to enable people to reach higher levels of consciousness (1). Recipes from the ancient world recommend that blue lotus flowers be steeped in wine or spirit for weeks and then consumed during a ceremony to bring feelings of peace and a meeting with the gods.

Today, blue lotus is still consumed as a tea or tincture to induce relaxation and heightened spiritual awareness. Blue lotus is widely used to induce deeper, longer-lasting sleep and – due to its combination of euphoric, anxiolytic (anxiety-relieving) and sedative (soporific) effects – to induce more vivid and vivid dreams. (1). It is traditionally thought to have mild aphrodisiac properties and is used to relieve menstrual cramps and stabilize the menstrual cycle.

Scientific studies

One study demonstrated that administration of blue lotus to mice induces anxiolytic effects with the potential involvement of a noradrenergic mechanism (2). Unfortunately, there are currently no human clinical studies of blue lotus, and very little data has been collected on the plant’s active ingredients. However, one of the active compounds, the alkaloid nuciferine, has been described as antipsychotic by researchers from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, the results of which were published in the prestigious journal PLoS One (3).

What is Spagyric Essence?

Our spagyric essences are refined through the action of all the elemental forces through ancient alchemical processes with the intention of preserving and enhancing all the vital forces in the plant so that they mature to their strength and quality over time.
The word “spagyric” comes from the Greek words spao and ageiro, which mean to separate and unite. Each plant undergoes a process of deep separation and purification through the action of three alchemical principles: sulfur, mercury and salt.

The process begins already when the plant material is collected at the ideal time to connect with the positive influence of the planetary force, which is determined by the signature of the plant. We put the freshly collected plant through the process of steam distillation of the essential oil, which forms the soul, the fire element or sulphuric body of final spagyric essence. The plant is then fermented to open the communication with mercurius, or we use bio spirit prepared from the vine to extract the water and alcohol soluble components, which we further purify by distillation to release the spirit of the plant. Finally, the plant body is extracted by burning and calcination of the plant material and fermentation residues to separate the water-soluble crystalline mineral tissue salts of plant bodt.

These 3 principles allow us to separate 3 plant bodies: essential oil, spirit extract and mineral tissue salts, which are purified and re-combined through 4 elements to create a fully living embodiment of the consciousness, intelligence and form of the plant in a concentrated form of spagyric essence. This is followed by a process of circulation, cohobation and gentle reconnection of all plant bodies, which are put back together in a new quality. After a few months or years, they are ready to travel after you.


  • Internal use is recommended mainly for research purposes
  • 1-5 drops 1-3 times a day in 1 tablespoon of honey / 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil / 0.5 l of water / 1 dcl of red wine
  • The dose can be increased according to the need and intensity of the problem, but it is always advisable to start with the minimum dose and gradually increase it


  • Do not use undiluted!
  • It can irritate the mucous membranes if diluted incorrectly – in this case, use vegetable oil – rinse the oral cavityDo not apply to open wounds
  • Not suitable for children under 6 years of age and pregnant women


Before using any medicine or therapy, consult your doctor or naturopathic herbalist. Spagyrika has a positive attitude towards alternative and holistic treatments but does not claim that its products cure any diseases. Products and statements regarding specific products are not at the level of approved and registered medicinal products, nor are they intended to diagnose and treat diseases. All information on this page, or any information on product packaging, is for informational and research purposes only and is not a substitute for medical care. We make no promise of efficacy to the individual without the proper application of study and understanding through direct and personal experience, and the cultivation of perception, will, and trust in the self-renewing vital forces of life. By purchasing, you agree that we are not responsible for your use or misuse of our products.


1. Emboden WA. “Transcultural use of narcotic water lilies in ancient Egyptian and Maya drug ritual.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1981, 3(1):39-83.

2. Fajemiroye JO, Adam K, Zjawiony JK, Costa EA, Aderoju AA. “Evaluation of Anxiolytic and Antidepressant-like Activity of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Nymphaea Lotus Linn. in Mice.” Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2018, 17(2): 613-626.

3. Farrell MS et al. “In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of the Alkaloid Nuciferine.” PLoS One. 2016, 11(3):e0150602

4. Emboden W. The Sacred Journey in Dynastic Egypt: Shamanistic Trance in the Context of the Narcotic Water Lily and the Mandrake. J. Psychoact. Drugs. 1989;21:61–75. doi: 10.1080/02791072.1989.10472144. [PubMed] [CrossRef[]
5. Schimpf M., Ulmer T., Hiller H., Barbuto A.F. Toxicity from Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) After Ingestion or Inhalation: A Case Series. Mil. Med. 2021;188:e2689–e2692. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usab328. [PubMed] [CrossRef[]
7. Kurtz, Jennifer. Blue Lotus Benefits, Side-Effects, and How-to Use. Kratom Guides: online. published November 30, 2016. accessed August 10, 2019.

Additional information

Weight 45 kg
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 9 cm


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